Monday, November 08, 2010

The Salt Flats of Wood Buffalo National Park

There are salt flats and fairly large salt springs as well as salty rivers in Wood Buffalo National Park. It makes sense that this is a great thing for the buffaloes but I honestly do not know how this thing was sorted out.
I mean that I do not know if the salt attracted the buffaloes and the national park was "built" around the buffaloes so that the salt springs happen to be included, or if the National Park was chosen to be around the salt springs so that the buffaloes would have less temptations to leave it. The buffaloes do leave the park and when out of it during hunting season they can be killed.
Anyway, here are some photos of a large salt flat I went to see on a long hike. I call them "salt flats" because even though you cannot see them in these photos the mud is full of salt crystals.

I was not the only creature interested in the salt flats.

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