Monday, February 07, 2011

Busy day tomorrow

I am really enjoying this "smelling of roses" thing. Today I had a bit of a busy day but nothing like what should happen tomorrow.

This morning I walked into the lone Chinese grocery store in one the neighborhood where I go ( because there are two great food stores, some cheap cafes, good Indian restaurants, a cheap practical clothing store, a map store and a good newspaper stand) and asked the owner if she spoke Mandarin. When she answered that she did I explained that I was looking for somebody who could help me with Mandarin lessons and I was willing to pay per hour. There was a young woman sitting with her across the counter and she just pointed in her direction. So now it is all sorted out I start tomorrow morning at 9:00am!

After this, looking for some pretty but cheap teacups for a friend I went to one of my favourite charity stores in Johannesburg. I normally go there because they often have a great book selection. The store is in a expensive area of town and it is easy for rich women who belong to book clubs to drop their books there. Of course since I was in I had a quick browse in the book section. Today because they have just had some renovations, the small room where they keep the books was completely disorganized. For some reason I asked them if they wanted me to donate some time and sort out their book room. So I am going tomorrow after my first Mandarin lesson. It should be fun ... and very dusty!!

Things can be so simple sometimes!!


  1. Both things sound so fun! I'm sure you'll have a great time.

  2. It really was great and you are right both were a lot of fun.
