Saturday, February 05, 2011

South Africa West Coast wild Ostriches

 There are huge track of lands along the west coast which are closed to the public because they belong to diamond mining companies. Typically along the shore the diamond mine land is very much used but further inland from what I saw it is mostly land closed to the public where very little is done. Driving through this area I saw an unusually high number of ostriches. Those near Kleinzee (I guess at some point I am going to have to explain about Kleinzee) the ostriches were originally released and have now gone back to being wild it could very well be that it is the case for most of if not all of them.

As you can see you can drive at 120kn/hr on this road and near the top of the hill you have ostriches on the road!!

These are the Kleinzee ostriches

The thing with photos of ostriches is that you can quickly have have a situation where the number of body does not match the number of heads.

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