Tuesday, March 15, 2011

South Africa, some photos of small town life

I am trying to make an effort to take photos of people. I realize that I mostly take photos of views, animals and plants. I often wish I took pictures showing people but generally I find it hard to do it without coming across as feeling so different, so removed from those I photograph. I always think it is a bit of a zoo-mentality.
So I don't have many pictures but here are a few. South Africans reading this will find it seriously boring, but remember some people form other art of the world do not necessarily realize what life is like here. It is always hard to remember/know what people who have never been here will be interested in.

I guess I started with "baby-steps" because the first picture actually has nobody in it, which at the market is not necessarily easy to do.

People use umbrellas as parasols and they have all kind of bright, even shiny, umbrellas.

Women carrying parcels on their head is not an oddity or something rare and picturesque it is very much the norm you see it even in Johannesburg, though obviously it is less common in town. They area amazing at it. You can see women with severe limps balancing all kind of stuff on their heads.

More traditional women (and by this I mean to make it clear that young hi women in town are not like this) often have their head covered, often with scarves, or with berets or caps.

Another thing which is the norm is baby being carried on the women's back. They usually use a bath towel to wrap the kid, I suppose it is because towels are not slippery and stay in place.

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