Here are some more photos. It was difficult to select just a few. You can well imagine that I took quite a few photos.
At Jinshanling the wall is not completely restored, which I think adds to the charm. I hope that they do not ever restored it completely.
I was surprised to see how closed together the towers were.
There was a few people.
I thought I should have a picture of the Great Wall with very obviously Chinese people on it.
And here (above) is a typical Chinese guide.
I went with a very small group and we were all so happy when our guide said "We all walk at different rates, and we all take different pictures, so you all go and be back here at 2:00pm". We could not believe our luck. It was great and it made for such a great experience.
Some renovations have been done to the Wall in Jinshanling and some are still in progress.
All the pictures are wonderful. Thanks! Brings back good memories.