Monday, June 11, 2012

Johannesburg - Crested Barbet

Barbets are related to woodpeckers (or so says my bird book). There are 10 kinds of barbets in South Africa and 4 in Johannesburg. My favourite is the crested barbet who is actually not a very elegant bird. In a way it is so weird/ugly that it is cute. My landlady calls them "the tutti fruity birds" because of their colouring which is a bit all over the place. There is a spot at the top of the hill where I often see them but they are not easy to photograph. This is the best I could do.

i do realize that they are not great photos but I have been trying for days to photograph those guys and today is the first day I even came close. I have a regular (and somewhat old) digital camera ...which, to me seems to be taking photos which are more and more faded...especially as far as blues are concerned.

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to get good photos of birds with a plain old camera. Oh well.
