Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Victoria Falls- part 1- The peculiar thing about Vic Falls

OK, I am back from Victoria Falls. I had a nice long week end. I still have to download the photos I took, but in the mean time here is the thing about Victoria Falls.

One of the peculiarity of Victoria falls is that the river (the Zambezi River) at that point falls into a fairly narrow gap, so when you go on the Rain Forest Path you are right in front of the falls and really close to them. If it wasn't for the incredible rain and mist you would see it really really well. The map below from  one of the many Victoria Falls travel sites shows well how it works. On the map it looks like the river goes from very wide to very narrow, and it does. It goes from 1.7 kilometres to less than 200 metres. The very wide part is above the fall, the narrow part is in the gorges below the falls and the bright light green area in between the two is the Rain Forest where the path is (t.he path is the doted yellow line)

Of course you can take helicopter rides to see the falls from the air but honestly I didn't want to spend the money so here are two photos from this site showing how this wide to narrow transition takes place and how close you are to the falls when you are on the other side.

On the fun trivia side the river is the Zambezi River and it forms the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia at this point...how many "Z"s can you really get in one place. Unfortunately there aren't any zebras

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