Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Victoria Falls- part 2- some photos

I had forgotten that I had taken a photo of the sign at the entrance of the Rain Forest. I think it shows well how close the path is to the falls.

Following the path you first get to see how narrow the gap the river is falling into really is.

It is amazingly hard to take pictures of the Falls during the flood season because the volume of water is such, and you are so close to it that there is a lot of mist even on a perfectly clear day 500 metres away from the Falls. You see a lot of this:

But the mist is not all. It actually rains a lot. It is not mist, it is not spray, it is rain.
 I  mean rain, heavy rain. these two photos, clearly of the same spot are taken within seconds of each other.

Following the path in the heavy rain, crazy gusty wind you end up pretty close to the edge. Near the end of the trail you can go to "danger Point" where you just walk to the edge on slippery wet rocks polished by thousands of foot steps, and of course it is a very windy spot. The rain was so heavy anyway that I didn't go to the edge of the rock.
 There is no hand rail, fence or anything. You do what you want at your own risk. There is something pretty decent about long as you do not have kids with you. I would hate to take a young kid there.

I am still on the path taking the photo below, and remember it was raining heavily. In fact this is where my umbrella was torn by the wind. (the second day I went I took an umbrella to protect the camera so I could take pictures)

All things included, rain, wind, path near the edge and all I have to say that it was great to see Victoria Falls. I don't know why I waited so long to go. I would love to go again when the water is low to see the difference....and I bet you it rains a lot less and it is easier to take pictures.

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