Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Some Photos of Grassland National Park

There are 69 different types of naturally occurring grasses in Grassland NP.
I didn't see every single one and did not photograph every single type I saw' and to your great relief I am not even going to show you all the types I photographed, but just the same here are a few of them and a few views of Grassland NP.

In the photo below the little brown dots are buffaloes

In this photo you can just see the herd going up the hill.

Buffaloes (and mule deer) tracks through the grass. It is easier to walk through grass that through snow but just the same in tall grass sometimes it was nice to find a well defined trail and walk along it. I walked a lot in Grassland, between 10 and 25km per day. It was great!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Winter is here

Winter is here NOW!
Today high of -8C (12F) so of course the snow which fell yesterday is staying on the ground.
The day before it was +21C (70F). So it was a bit of a shock.

Plain Buffaloes from Grassland National Park

Wow, the blogging has really slowed down. Truth is I have spent most of my time in places so remote that internet was not really a possibility.
I just left Grassland National Park in southern Saskatchewan. I ended up spending 3 weeks there. I was awesome. Big open space, complete silence and ...more buffaloes. This time plain buffaloes as opposed to wood buffaloes.
So here you are more pictures of buffaloes. Somehow in the open of the prairie they come across as even more ......, more handsome, more majestic than the wood buffaloes among the trees.

Look at this face:

Added later: If you want to see the wood buffaloes have a look at this.