Wednesday, September 05, 2012

First thunder storm of the year, it should be summer in Johannesburg

I know it is just the weather but still.
Johannesburg has dry winters and "wet" summers. Don't go picturing gentle rainy summer days. What is meant by "wet summers" is summers with fabulous thunder storms which build up from early afternoon and burst in the late afternoon.

Temperature wise it surely has been spring for a while now with warm days but cool nights.

Yesterday we had our first thunder storm, so surely this mean it is summer but somehow it does feel like summer since it is cold rain and last night we even had a serious hail storm.

I haven't look at the garden at the back of the cottage yet, but at the front the flowers have taken a beating. Listening to the hail stones pounding my metal roof last night I was thinking about the garden. I have been getting into gardening for the last 3 weeks. At the back of the cottage I have cherry tomatoes and basil. I have to leave for the day soon. I'll be back in the early afternoon. Since really there is nothing I can do, and it is still raining and thundering outside, I'll wait till I get back to go and see how they survived.

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