Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The New Camper

Last year my friend A gave me an old camper mostly to try it out and see if I liked it. It was a great big old camper and I loved it. A and I did a lot of work inside and at the end it was a great thing to have. This is what I used last year when I drove to northern Canada and went to Liard Hot Springs. I camped in it down to -10C which would be a bit of a nightmare in a tent.
 You can see it is big and old.

 and quite spacious!
BUT it was just too heavy for my truck and my fuel consumption was through the roof. But by then I was in love with the camper and I didn't want to let it go even though I knew I should. After a long time looking for a new lighter camper I finally found one.

So here is the new (to me) camper:
 It is much smaller, but mostly it is made of fiberglass and much much lighter.
Just right for one person. It does have a stove, a furnace, a small frige and a small sink (with cold water only but this is all I need).
Anyway tomorrow morning, after too many self-imposed delays I am leaving and going on a month long road trip. I don'ty know yet where I will go. The weather is quite cool now in Canada and even though I feel like going north I know I probably shouldn't. I think I will start by going to some hot springs (either Miette or Golden and maybe on to Nakusp) and decide once I am relaxed and feeling like I am on a road trip. It feels very different very quickly and soon I get into the spirit of the road trip and the slow relaxing feeling I love.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Southeast Asian Fish Soup

Now that I stopped working I am so relaxed that my brain is going soft and I find myself forgetting the most basic things....either it is because I am relaxed or it is old age...either way, same result. (The good thing about old age is that you have lots of time to get used to the idea!). Anyway, I find that I can't even trust myself to remember the simplest of recipes, so just in case I forget this one I am storing it here. It is SO easy that it shouldn't even be called "cooking" and it is delicious.
You'll notice that it is another "one pot" recipe. I only cook "one pot" recipes, in fact I modify all recipes into "one pot" deals.... I am not crazy about doing dishes.

Onions chopped fine
Grated ginger
Minced or crushed garlic
Chopped hot peppers (the red ones look nicer in this soup)
....... together low heat pan fry

Pieces of fish
....add and pan fry some more

Chicken broth
Fish sauce
..... add and bring to boil

Some green veggies (asparagus are nice) ...if you feel like it

Beaten eggs .... to make egg "strings" if you feel like it

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Canadian weather

I am in Canada right now. It is a beautiful place and I love it but just as I was forgetting why I spend so little time in Canada yesterday it snowed..... and I remembered.

Winter rolled in a few days ago when we went from a high of 30C (86F) do a high of 12 C (53C) in one day. The forecast is for some warm days again next week but you know winter is just around the corner when the night lows forecasted are at 1C (33F).

I just don't like the cold anymore.