Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Cold Night

Last night got quite cold, but the cabin stayed warm.... but it sure takes a LOT more wood to keep it warm.

That's in the minus part of the thermometer:

This morning I wanted to drive to town so I had to start the generator to plug in the block heater of the truck (a heating system for the engine so you can start it, for the non-canadians), after two and a half hours the truck started, but not easily. It was so cold that even turning the key in the ignition was stiff. And once I started driving I realize that I had "square tires". The spot where the tires were sitting stays flat until the tires warm up, which does not take very long at all, but at first it is a bit of a weird thing.

The afternoon before I went for a long walk, it wasn't -41, it was -31C (-24F) but I decided to wear a balaclava because it was windy and it is hard on the exposed part of the face. This is what I looked like at the end of my walk, after about an hour and a half outside.

 I know it looks weird, but it was worth it. What would have been a harsh walk (on the face) was truly a very pleasant walk thanks to my balaclava (truly that sounds like a Greek desert to me "balaklava")

Here are some more snowscapes.

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