Thursday, September 01, 2016

WARNING picture of skinned bear

Last night I was shown how to skin a bear.
Some friends of mine went hunting the day before and killed a bear (to eat) and I asked if I could be shown how to skin it. I really wanted to learn because I am hoping to go hunt for a bear next year to feed myself.

OK, I am putting spaces here so the picture doesn't show on the same screen than the writing and you can skip it.




OK, that works on my laptop using Firefox

I know that this will be offensive to some but this is the north and I am trying to feed myself.

I tell you what is offensive to me: cows, chickens, pigs etc spending their entire life in boxes full of their own excrement, overcrowded, being pumped full of antibiotics, hormones and all that stuff and being slaughtered in  factories. If you don't find those offensive try reading "Dominion: the power of man, the suffering of animals" by Matthew Scully.
But I will  happily agree to disagree about it. Different people, different perceptions, different sensibilities and scale of values. I'm ok with that.

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