Saturday, November 12, 2016

filleting pickerel

Here is a photo series of how to fillet pickerel.

The problem with pickerel is that they are full of spikes

Sharp teeth

Spines on their fins

and even inside their gills.

Here is how it is done: first open their gut

Then cut the upper part of the fish from the open belly to the tail

But don't cut the side off at the tail, leave it attached

Then go to where you started and the belly is open but the flesh still attached in the upper part of the body and cut this off following the backbone
 All the way to the end

Then cut what you just cut off below the arm-like fin

This is what you have
 This is why the tail being attached is good. It gives you a handle to skin the fillet you just cut

And this is how you do it. Keep the knife still and wiggle and pull on the fish

 Ta da!!! you are nearly done

But now you have to take the bones out

On the pickerel another part really good to eat is the cheek

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