Friday, May 31, 2013

Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park

I am just leaving Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park. It was a great place and I had a great time even though the weather is not cooperating. Because I am in a camper the weather is formost in my mind these days.

Here are some panoramas:

The hoodoos:

The beautiful and very full Milk River. I tried to cross it a few times but couldn't. All this rain has to go somewhere!

In the background Sweet Grass Hills which are in the States. This is how far south I am. I cannot really go much farther south and still be in Canada.

More hoodoos but with some sun this time.

Evening light with the Sweet Grass Hills, the hoodoos, the river and everything.

It is obviously called Writing-on-Stone for a reason: there are native petroglyphs:

This one is beleived to be a buffalo.

The one below is beleived to be a bear paw.

Another buffalo, as per expert interpretation.

The most famous and most complex petroglyphs is the "Battle Scene", here is the drawing of it. Some of the petroglyphs above are from it.

I should say that this was typed, and the photos (which were already prepared) were uploaded from the friendly Milk River Visitor Center, a very friendly spot for people on the road.

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