Saturday, June 01, 2013

I think I will go to Inuvik

So I just left Writing-on-Stone right by the US border and now I am thinking of going to Inuvik which means going up the Dempster Highway.

On this picture from Mapquest Inuvik is the red star at the top, so well above the Arctic Circle.

I would like to get there for June 21st, the longest day of the year even though this is not hte only day of the midnight sun. Right at the Arctic Circle you only get one day with the midnight sun, but higher north you get more...obviously!

To get there I need to first go to Dawson Creek and start the Alaska Highway. I need to drive the Alaska Highway up to Whitehorse and just a few kilometres past Whitehorse I need to go on the Klondike Highway  to Dawson City. A bit before Dawson City I need to turn north on the Dempster and then 734 kilometres I am in Inuvik. All together (from Dawson Creek) it is just under 3000 kilometres.
Just the names make me want to go.
Maybe I won't get there. Maybe I'll change my mind and turn off beforehand. But right now this is where I am heading....until further notice.

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