Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Blue Sky in Alpine Texas

I was saying in New Mexico that what in every picture I wanted to take the sky seemed to dominate because in fact the sky seems to dominate there.
It is pretty much the same here. There is a lot of blue sky.
It was great to wake up to +13C (55F) this morning. The smell was different but it reminded me of winter morning in Africa.
...and yes I am actually posting a blue picture. Now, in this picture the sky does dominate.

It was just a lovely day. I love the modern day cowboys with big pick ups (backies in South Africa, utes in Australia) talking in front the the guitar store and the agave with its bloom stem still standing.

I saw a pyrrhuloxia, also known as grey cardinal. The picture does not do it justice. My pictures of birds never do them justice.

And the really neat way the imprint of the leaves all wrapped up together when they first grow stays on the mature leaves of the agave.

..... in other words: a simple beautiful day here in Texas.

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