Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Kalahari Desert

As you can see from the map below (taken from THIS website) I crossed the southern end of the Kalahari desert on this trip since this is where I was.

I'd crossed this part before but I don't think I showed you any pictures. So here are a few:

First just some typical views of the southern part which can be quite flat in parts (though you can see a mountain chain in the distance).

The Orange river traverses this part of the Kalahari but it has little impact on the vegetation unless it is used for irrigation. This photo is taken just below the Augrabies Falls.

The desert of course always has some animal life. I saw baboon in some valleys and here are some dassies also known as rock-rabbits or hyrax (cute creatures). (I have close up photo of them on this post )

You also have some very colourful lizards.

Of course there is also some vegetation like these quiver trees.

and this Namaqua Porkbush.... and many other plants but I liked these two.

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