Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Fruits and Vegetables

Apart from the wonderful climate one of my favourite thing in Johannesburg is the amount of beautiful fresh food you can buy. I should point out that in small villages here, as in most places, there isn't much available.
Also right now as the change is very good for me (roughly 10 rands to the Canadian dollar right now) the fresh produces are particularly affordable. Here are some examples.

Guavas: I love guavas. As far as I know they are never available in Canada. I always get Mexican guavas when ever I go south enough in the States. Mexican guavas are smaller and yellow in the inside. Also I think that African guavas are more flavourful, at least from my point of view. The pile of guava below cost roughly $2.

Avocados: Of course we get avocados in Canada and sometimes even priced reasonably. Right now there are three kinds of avocados available at the market. I bought the smallest one because for one person it does make life easier. They have very small stones so are actually quite fleshy. I can easily eat 2 of those on toast for breakfast. The pile below also cost about $2.

Passion fruits, called granadillas here: This is the small half of what I bought a few days ago. I know they look all wrinkled up and possibly rotten but they are not. They are delicious. This pile would cost about $1.5.

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