Saturday, April 18, 2015

Random Photos of my First Week in Jo'burg

Some random plants growing in the garden of the friend's house I am house-sitting right now.

An aloe

Blooming hibiscus


In northern Canada there is a lot of beading but not surprisingly it is totally different from the beading in South Africa.
Also from my friend's garden a gorgeous beaded goat

A local guy and his beaded animal stand

Another typical thing about Jo'burg, and other cities of South Africa is the wall, gates, electric fences you get. You often cannot see houses, or at least not their ground floor. Here are just some random examples, all  you see is walls and doors or gates.

Very common birds here,  hadidas, a kind of ibis.


Beverly said...

Can you get any close up pics of the beaded animals? They look fasinating!

C. said...

Will do.
In fact I most likely will bring a few home.