Friday, September 02, 2016

Early Fall it Seems

Fall is here and really has been here for over a week.

Here is a view of our weather forecast as it stands today.

For people who work with Fahrenheit: 15C is 59F, and 3C (the low for Sunday night) is 37F so just above freezing. I have to make a decision on the garden but I think that especially the basil needs to be harvested or covered.

Yesterday I harvested all the beets. I had two rows, I had already pickles 6 jars worth and yesterday I got a bucketful, so I think I did alright.

The predictions for this winter are the worse El Nino in a 100years, so the coldest winter in a 100 years!
I was building a wood shelter to stack up my wood but I sprained my ankle and had to stop pretty much everything requiring any standing up and now I haven't even started to cut wood!!!
Here is the wood shelter (which will be able to hold 6 cords of wood) being built. The truck is in it because I am using it as a ladder.
In this picture you can see one of the tipis I built this summer.

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