Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The more Things Change, The More They Are The Same

I would love to say that the all situation in South Africa is getting better, that violence against foreigners has stopped but this isn't the case, far from it.
Now the army has been sent to try to help in areas where violence doesn't seem to getting any better. Unfortunately this involves some parts of Johannesburg. And in addition violence against South Africans has started in other African countries in retaliation.

Where ever you go these days it is of course very much the subject of conversation but otherwise I have to say that in the areas where I am there is no evidence of anything happening . The one thing for me right now is that I want to go downtown Jo'burg to buy some African fabric but this is exactly where some of all this is taking place so I am waiting.

I want to be very clear: this is not violence against tourists. This is violence against foreign nationals, typically from other African countries, who work here or have businesses here and are perceived as stealing jobs.

Honestly South Africa always feels like it is at the edge of something. There is always that feeling that one incident one day will topple it over. Two weeks ago it was a statue on the university campus in Pretoria. There is always something.

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