Saturday, April 06, 2013

My bucket list

OK, so maybe I should keep track.

What I would like to do, in no specific order:

- Be a nomad. I love drifting. I cannot express how much I love aimless drifting. In a way I already do a lot of drifting, but I would like to do the "nomad" thing. I think I want the NFA (No Fixed Address) feel.
- Live for a year in the arctic. Already the first 2 contradict each other
- Try to grow my own food, or at least have a garden to grow a all bunch of my food, make preserves and the all thing. This obviously does not go well with either "nomad" or "arctic", so more contradiction.
- Go to India. This is somewhat easier ...probably even feasible.
- Go to Tibet or the Gobi Desert. Generally visit the high plateaus of Asia. This is also possibly feasible.
- Spend time by the ocean. This is also feasible but at this stage the issue becomes how much time is there really. In my mind I start to have the feeling that I need to choose if I do not want to rush through all this, and I don't.
- Do a long, very long, walk. I would love to walk and walk and walk and walk for days on end. When I was a kid I wanted to walk from France -where I was at the time- to the southern most point of India. I never figured out where that dream came from but I remember it vividly and I never really lost that dream though the final destination has become a lot less important. In fact it is somewhat irrelevant now.

I don't get many comments on this blog, which is fine, but this time maybe people (the entire 2 or 3 of you) could talk back and send me their list. I don't have to post them if you don't want me to. I am just curious.


Amira said...

I want to live by the ocean someday too, and in the Arctic (or Antarctica). The ocean one might actually happen because my husband has a new job that will send us somewhere new every few years.

I want to spend months travelling around China by train (or car, that's actually becoming possible now). Or by bike.

I want to make more cheese.

I want to see every corner of the world.

C. said...

Thanks for this Amira. There is something special about the ocean and the Arctic. Since I wrote that list I have been thinking that maybe I should try to find a way to live by the Arctic Ocean and tick 2 off my list. As a Canadian visa wise it is a non-issue, but financially it is a different business. Price of food in the Arctic, where everything has to be flown in is absolutely outrageous.