Sunday, June 10, 2012

Johannesburg typical building site

At this location there used to be a big building of some sort. It was torn down and the site was clear to prepare for the construction of the next building, what ever it might be. But as is typical in Johannesburg the site was not left empty. Some workers were set up in a tin shack to "guard" the site. As I understand it the point is to keep uncontrolled squatters to settle on the site because apparently the law makes it then very difficult to remove them. So here are those guys, in winter, in near freezing temperatures at night living in a tin shack with no water, no electricity, no toilets and certainly no privacy.
The tent is a recent addition and it looks like they will start building soon. I am not sure what the tent is for.

A little closer. If you look carefully you can see their washing hanging between the shack and the tent.

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