Monday, June 03, 2013

The dinosaur at Milk River visitor center

It obviously these were taken was a few days ago.
Today I spent the day waiting while the truck was getting a much needed overall "make over". The breaks feels so different now. I feel much better about the long drive. Tomorrow I need to finish the all thing by getting the wheel aligned, they didn't have the time to do it today, and I needed the truck back so I could sleep in the camper attached to its back!
Anyway, here is the promised dino:

I normally think of myself has having big feet...because I HAVE big feet... but here you are: my feet are tiny..but note how they "match" with dinosaur feet!  

This is to celebrate the fact that C. can ride his bike without training wheels!!!

1 comment:

Expatmummy said...

Those are great - I'll show C this afternoon, thanks! He and Ch are both getting pretty excited about going to "Canda'. Maybe you'll drift south for a couple of days so we can see you. :-) Enjoy your travels!