Friday, November 05, 2010


I also saw quite a few caribous on my road trip up north.
They are hard to miss since they stand in the middle of the road.

I could never figure out what it was they were eating on the road. It could not be salt since it hadn't snowed yet and the roads had had no salt yet.

Sometimes they would go through the motion of running ... but not necessarily running away. I always find it nerve racking when they run along the road. I worry that they will suddenly turn onto the road.

Or they just stop and look at you as you pass them.

They are also quite comfortable ignoring the coming traffic.

Here is a close up of the same "guy" in this photo. It turns out that I caught him chewing.

Mostly it is nice to see them in the "wild".

They are gorgeous creatures though they are not graceful. They seem slightly dis-articulated especially when they trot.

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