Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Three Rivers Petroglyph Site

While in Texas I went back to Big Bend National Park for a few days. I meant to hit a few more places in Texas but as I was heading north strong winds started and would not stop. I mean really strong winds. Driving against the wind my fuel consumptions was about 50% higher than usual...this kind of wind.

So I ended up back in New Mexico and this time I went to Three Rivers Petroglyph Site. I spent a week there and it was wonderful.
There are 21 thousand petroglyphs so there was a lot of exploring to do.
Here are some of my favourites:
there area ll kinds of weird and wonderful creatures

this one (below) I think is so sweet. It makes me think of an illustration for a kids story. Something about the little creature (who reminds me of Piglet) holding a branch to the sun while his friend the mountain goat watches. I love this petroglyph.

Quite a few bird representations.

Famous sad face.

An animal with antlers above a very common circular design. There are a lot of circular design petroglyphs.

Another one which makes me think of illustration for a story.

This one is quite special I think, and judging from the lack of footprints around it not very often visited.

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