Sunday, August 22, 2010

Calgary River of Light Project

By sheer luck I heard about the River of Light project on CBC radio, googled it and found this.

The only part of it I was able to catch was the release of the 500 glowing globes last night.
It was actually quite nice.

I went to the 14th Street Bridge, where there is a view which I thought would make it interesting.
The view downstream from 14th Street Bridge

I was pleasantly surprised to see how many people came. Interestingly most of them went to the upstream side of the bridge.

Then slowly the spheres started to float down and it was great.
the first sphere, can you even see it?
Taking pictures of floating spheres turned out to be quite challenging.
the closer the sphere the more out of focus they are because of the  relative motion.
I like the blue spheres
It is quite nice.
Some kayakers helped "herd" the spheres
It was a cool evening but not too cold. There was quite a few people but not too many and most of them were on the other side of the bridge. All together it was a nice evening.

It was so nice to see something artistic in Calgary which isn't traditional. I am sorry that I only heard about River of Light late in the game. It was a nice break from packing.

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