Friday, January 25, 2013

Kunming China, random pictures - part 2, the parks

Lots of parks in Kunming, the biggest one being Green Park.

the parks get quite busy!

The thing to do for young couples is to wear T-shirts which go together. You may have one of them wear a T-shirt with "LO" and the other one with "VE" of course to make it work they make sure that they stay on the side where they are supposed to be.

Not really a park but a temple

this is not really a park it is an old military college, but the open space makes for a nice park-like feel.
And one of my favourite: there was s pot on the side of Green Park where old men, or not so old men, who go and fly kites. With the mountains in the distance but a significant amount of flat land between them and Kunming, it can get quite windy. those guys would let their kites go VERY far, you could barely see them in the distance.
and of course there is dancing and exercising in the parks

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