Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Fields of Chilies

I was driving in the Valley of the Rio Grande, in a rich agricultural valley thank to irrigation from the Rio Grande.
I stopped at a farm where they were selling red Chilies. Three men were in the process of sorting they out. Throwing away those that did not look good and bagging the others.

People usually buy the peppers in 10 pound bags. I honestly didn't really want to buy any but since I was hanging around, and I was the only one there, I felt I had to. So I bought one pound for $3.00. A pound of dry chilies is basically a big shopping bag full!!
When I stopped at the farm I hadn't seen the fields yet. I only saw them a bit farther along the road.

You can see they let the peppers get red on the plant. Apparently this is the "secret" of the superior taste of the red chilies of this area.

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