Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hatch, New Mexico Chile Capital of the World

Following the same small road I ended up in Hatch and found out that, in fact, Hatch is the New Mexico Chile Capital of the World!

It is a nice little town but unfortunately it had no place for me to stay overnight.

It does have a famous restaurant - famous for it green chile hamburgers. Again I only found that afterward. but I did see the restaurant because it is hard to miss. I couldn't take a photo of the restaurant front and the line up in front of it because of the position of the sun. But truly you can't miss it. It has all those funky things all around it... in case you miss the line up.

This restaurant is famous locally but just the same the totally un-famous little restaurant where I ate: the Valley Cafe, made fabulous Mexican food. If you are in Hatch and don't feel like lining up for a burger (how ever delicious it might be) I highly recommend the Valley Cafe.

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