Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Botswana currency and languages

Here is something which I think is very neat: the Bastwana currency (Batswana is the adjective for somebody or something from Botswana) is the Pula which means "rain" in Setswana. It is devided into 100 Thebes, which means "shield" in Setswana.

Since The Kalahari Desert covers 84% of Botswana I guess it is not surprising that rain should be considered so valuable.

Here is another interesting thing: the national language of Botswana is Setswana but the official language is English. I have to admit it never even occurred to me before that there was a difference between "National" and "Official" languages. And there are no clicks in Setswana. Now that seems very weird to me!!! All other southern African languages I have heard have clicks.

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